Raj V Jain

AI + Neuro Enthusiast
PhD Student @ The Cognition, Computation and Behavior Lab under Dr. Sridharan Devarajan
Computer Science and Automation Department, IISc, Bangalore


Hello World!

I completed my B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering from RV College of Engineering in 2016. In the last semester, my team and I worked on creating a new BCI paradigm, by collecting and filtering data from enthusiastic subjects and building ML models for prediction. This gave me hands-on experience in applying AI algorithms to neural data. Additionally, this also acquainted me with neuroscience concepts like EEG, SSVEP and how to build and validate hypotheses and experiments. I was hooked! I knew I had to pursue this further! After working as a Data Scientist and Software Developer for about 4 years, I joined IISc to do my PhD.

I am the recipient of the prestigious Prime Minister’s Research Fellowship in Jan 2022.

Research Interests

My research interests lie at the intersection of AI and Neuroscience, in two ways.

  • Build AI models which can deepen our understanding of cognitive processes like decision-making and attention
  • Use neuroscience to build more robust, efficient, explainable and realistic AI models

Current Research Work

My current work is to understand if deep neural networks can predict behavior (choice, reaction times) better than simple statistical models. More precisely, do deep recurrent neural networks (e.g., LSTMs) model sequential effects better than conventional statistical learning models? Additionally, whether low-dimensional subject and experiment embeddings can capture aspects of behavior that are unique to subjects or experimental manipulations respectively? Lastly, does adding neural signals to deep learning models better their predictive power?